As honeybees play an essential part in our ecosystem, offices across STO Building Group have committed to raising and conserving several bee colonies—from Toronto to New York City. Govan Brown raised over 100,000 bees in 2020 alone. Now, Structure Tone New York, along with Structure Tone Dublin and STO Mission Critical, has followed suit in buzzing it forward.

In partnership with Alvéole, Structure Tone NY is hosting over 22,500 honeybees to help change the perspective of the urban environment and reconnect communities with nature while also promoting biodiversity. The bees live on the terrace outside Structure Tone NY’s office, supporting the queen in maintaining a healthy colony. Over the warm weather months, they help pollinate the city, traveling over 2–3 miles per day before returning to 330 West 34th Street to continue the work of making their hive. Bees and other pollinators are critical to survival, as they contribute to global food production. One third of the food people eat depends on insect pollination, mostly by honeybees that are raised and managed by beekeepers, like Alvéole.

Of course, there’s another sweet benefit to keeping the bees—the honey! During the summer and early fall of 2022, Structure Tone NY’s bees produced enough honey to fill 100 5oz jars. Honey never spoils, so the bees will have plenty of resources to last them until spring when the flowers start blooming again.

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